Rates & Lessons

We offer private and ensembles lessons.

10% discount offered for additional instruments or classes taken in combination with existing registration.

Private Lessons

30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes
Intro Lesson - $45 Intro Lesson - $65 Intro Lesson - $85
$187/month for weekly lessons $268/month for weekly lessons $347/month for weekly lessons

Semi-Private Lessons and Ensembles

Instruction for two or more students together, from the same family, or in chamber ensembles/bands

45 minutes 60 minutes
Intro Lesson - $45/student Intro Lesson - $55/student
2 Students - $180/student/month 2 students - $234/student/month
3 Or More - $153/student/month 3 Or More - $198/student/month

Early Childhood Music

For Children Aged 6 months to 4 years

Parents and caregivers learn alongside their children in small group classes. In these early years, young minds are sponges for skills that will stay with them their whole lives. Equip them for the future by exploring music together, as we nurture creative and cognitive development using rhythm, movement, body percussion, pitch matching, and more.

For Children Aged 4 years to 6 years

Experience the joy of music through fun games and activities! Designed to equip children aged 4-6 with the tools for lifelong musical success, the class will build strong musical foundations in students by refining their motor skills, listening skills, musical knowledge, and expressivity.

30 minutes
(18 months and under)
45 minutes
Intro Class - $31.25 Intro Class - $37.50
$125/month $150/month
8 Class-Pack - $300
redeemable over 12 weeks

8 Class-Pack - $350
redeemable over 12 weeks

Director of Early Childhood Music Education - Rae Shrum

45 minutes
Intro Class - $34.75

Group Classes

Keyboard Lab is designed to give beginning pianists the skills they need to jumpstart their musical journey. Piano faculty Nick and Eri will teach students keyboard technique, theory, scales, note and chord reading. Taught in a hybrid setting, the class will include both small groups and one-on-one instruction.

In this class coached by esteemed guitar faculty Marcel Borbon, elements of rhythm, harmony, melody, and texture will be explored, explained, and performed through the instrument. The various roles of the guitar will be examined and demonstrated through exposure to different musical genres, styles and settings.

Chamber String Ensemble is an intimate string orchestra of violins, violas, and cellos, conducted by Academy Director Rebecca Ward. Students learn to follow a conductor, maintain the integrity of their part, and blend their section, while exploring music that spans more than 300 years of music history. Interested students should contact SPAMA to set up an audition.

Taught by our General Manager Alex Domingo, this class will focus on ear training, sight singing, and the basics of music theory. What to expect: rhythm reading, note recognition, singing melodies and harmonies in solfege (do, re, mi), tonal memory exercises, chord tone relationships, and basic chord progressions. 

45 minutes 60 minutes
Intro Class - $34.75 Intro Class - $43.50
$139/month $174/month

Instruments Offered




Bass Guitar







Music Theory




 Interested in a class not listed above?

Click on the button below to contact us and get on our interest list!

Class Tuition Policies

Monthly tuition is applied to once-weekly lessons and is the same every month, regardless of the number of lesson days appearing on the calendar. Tuition is pre-paid each month on the 1st of the month by pre-authorized debit, credit card or checking account. This is set up at the time of registration. There is a two month minimum for all classes.